Monday, January 3, 2011

I want a Kindle!

Happy New Year everyone!

Last night I was hanging out with my family at my brother's house and I happened to see and pick up my sister-in-law's Kindle.  I've heard about these... and have thought they were cool, in theory... but I don't read very often, so I've always thought it would just be a waste of money.

BUT... after actually having one in the palms of my hands... I was absolutely amazed!  The screen is something I've never seen before.  I've heard that it looks "like a real book page" but didn't think it was possible.  IT IS!  The technology behind it is amazing.  It is so easy on the eyes, I feel like I could read for hours on something like that and my eyes would never hurt.  I have the Kindle app for my iphone, and I've downloaded a few books... but after a while its hard on your eyes because of the small screen, and the fact that the brightness hurts my eyes.

So what do you think?  Anyone have experience with a Kindle that can tell me if its worth it?  And the more important question is... can it turn a non-reader into someone who may pick up a book once in a while? 


Shanyn said...

I love ereaders :)

There are many free Kindle books, and your library may check out ebooks (just like a regular book).

I love having my ereader for travel. It is always in my bag and always has books on it - so for that, it is GREAT. BUT, you'll have to remember that you HAVE it to read more. So instead of sitting at the doctor's office with a magazine it's really easy for me to get out my ereader :)

It also allows you to buy books instantly, which I've done when I wasn't near a bookstore!

I can talk more about it if you want!

Tara said...

Yay!! I have played around with a bunch of ereaders and I like the nook the best. It's great for when you're traveling or just to have on you whenever you have some downtime. It is a bit dangerous though because it's SO easy to just buy a book whenever you want.