Monday, December 12, 2011

12 Days of Christmas Pop Songs- #12

So as I was listening to my "Holiday Favorites" playlist on iTunes this weekend, I had this fun idea to do a countdown of my favorite holiday pop songs.  There are many that I love, and I always say "it doesn't feel like Christmas until I hear ______".   I've tried to stay away from the traditional Christmas standards with this list... instead I'm focusing more on original holiday pop songs.  Now some of these may not be by the original artist, but they are my personal favorite versions.  I've narrowed my list down to my top 12, which was not an easy feat!  There were many "honorable mentions" that may need to be compiled into a separate post.  It was fun to put all these songs into an iTunes and YouTube playlist!
I will post a new song every day until Christmas Eve!  We'll count down from #12 all the way to #1!  :-)

Kickstarting out countdown, I have chosen a song made most famous (at least for my generation) by what I consider to be one of the best Christmas movies every made: Home Alone.  Although it may not be the original by Bing Crosby, I prefer this jazzier version (and I love anytime I can use the descriptor "jazzier"... hahaha).  If this song doesn't put a smile on your face or make you want to snap along, then I don't know what will.  It's a great one to sing along to... so get your pipes ready.  My #12 Christmas Pop Song is "White Christmas" by the Drifters!  Enjoy!


1 comment:

Auntie Linda said...

I hope nsync makes the list!!! :D